
What to expect

Salt & Light Church has family integrated worship, meaning that we include children of all ages in our corporate worship gathering. We gather each Sunday as singles and families of all sizes for worship, teaching, prayer, and fellowship.

We have a time of fellowship with donuts and coffee that starts at 9:30am. Our service begins at 10:00am and usually concludes by 11:00am. We worship God through singing a mix of older hymns, newer hymns and contemporary worship songs each Sunday. Instruments that are used in our worship include an acoustic guitar and a box drum.

We remember the Lord’s death on the Cross each week as we partake of the Lord’s supper. We primarily teach through books of the Bible in a systematic, expository manner. God’s Word is what convicts, converts, builds up, and sanctifies God’s people. We are currently preaching through the Gospel of Mark. The presence of children is a gift to the Church and they are a reminder of God’s faithfulness. We believe that the way we welcome children in church directly affects the way they respond to the Church, to God, and to one another. We end our services each week with a special time for the children. They are invited to come forward and hear a Bible story, learn how to pray, and sing songs of worship specifically geared toward them.

9:30 AM - Fellowship
10:00AM - Worship

Sunday Times


Stowe Mission of Central Ohio
888 Parsons Ave.
Columbus, OH 43206
